How does StartAJob work?

to get Started 01
to get Started

Sign-Up to get easy access to our premium platform. Take advantage of our single-click sign-up process and become an exclusive part of StartAJob. Simply fill out a short form, log in to your account and start posting about jobs that you need quality talent for.

Post a new job if you are
looking for an employee

In search of employees? Use your account to post details about the job.

Post a new job if you are looking for an employee 02

In search of employees? Use your account to post details about the job.

We will contact all pros in your area to view your jobs 03
We will contact all pros in your area to view your jobs

Our dedicated team of experts are always hard at work connecting you with all the professionals that best meet your requirements. We contact all the relevant individuals and make hiring a professional as easy and possible.

In minutes, get quotes from verified pros

Skip having to spend your precious time having unnecessary conversations with potential employees. We help you get quotes from real professionals.

In minutes, get quotes from verified pros 04

Skip having to spend your precious time having unnecessary conversations with potential employees. We help you get quotes from real professionals.

Select best quote and escrow funds into secure deposit 05
Select best quote and escrow funds into secure deposit

StartAJob protects both sides by letting you deposit the agreed amount into job escrow and release the funds once job have been completed to your satisfaction. Learn more

Hire best pros and complete your job

Enjoy having access to verified professionals and hire a person that can truly assist you with your job.

Hire best pros and complete your job 04

Enjoy having access to verified professionals and hire a person that can truly assist you with your job.

Do you need any job to be done?