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Simple software

General information for the business: Travel Agent Kind of development: New program from scratch Description of every module: Software by C+ language or any suitable languages to do the following: 1. Travel voucher. 2. Payment receipt. 3. Receipt for deliver and receive guest passports for visa purpose. 4. Expenses feeding daily with receipts printing. 5. All the above has to be with reference number unchangeable. 6. Guests and suppliers simple profile. From the above to create a different reports 1. Sales report for selected dates 2. Guest data base report ( Name – Telephone – Email) 3. History for each profile (guests and suppliers ) 4. Expenses reports Notes 1. Possibility to install the software online with ID and Password for all users 2. Possibility to send the voucher by email to the client from the software itself. 3. To create all the forms on PDF format except the data base has to be in excel format. 4. The entire format has to include the user id & date and time. 5. All the format has to include the company head litter data 6. Admin ID and Password Description of requirements/functionality: Software by C+ language or any suitable languages to do the following: 1. Travel voucher. 2. Payment receipt. 3. Receipt for deliver and receive guest passports for visa purpose. 4. Expenses feeding daily with receipts printing. 5. All the above has to be with reference number unchangeable. 6. Guests and suppliers simple profile. From the above to create a different reports 1. Sales report for selected dates 2. Guest data base report ( Name – Telephone – Email) 3. History for each profile (guests and suppliers ) 4. Expenses reports Notes 1. Possibility to install the software online with ID and Password for all users 2. Possibility to send the voucher by email to the client from the software itself. 3. To create all the forms on PDF format except the data base has to be in excel format. 4. The entire format has to include the user id & date and time. 5. All the format has to include the company head litter data 6. Admin ID and Password Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #9982

2531 дней 10ч 3м



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00:00 - 08:00

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