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I need 5 financial calculators to embed into a wordpress page

General information for the business: Finance Description of requirements/functionality: The calculators need to be; - Mobile responsive - Able to embed into Wordpress pages - Ability to email user the result from the calculation - Fast and robust mechanism I've got the formulas in an excel spreadsheet and I've put some designs together in word which include sliders, drop downs, radio buttons & popups. I also require Google Maps embedding with 'to' and 'from' fields to calculate distance. CMS and Admin requirements: [Desirable, not essential: include ability to store entered details in a database (with a mechanism for me to query/view data)] [Desirable, not essential: Ability to edit formulas/wording in a admin panel] Extra notes: I'm looking for someone to code and design 5 financial calculators. The calculators need to be; - Mobile responsive - Able to embed into Wordpress pages - Ability to email user the result from the calculation - Fast and robust mechanism [Desirable: include ability to store entered details in a database (with a mechanism for me to query/view data)] [Desirable: Ability to edit formulas/wording in a admin panel] I've got the formulas in an excel spreadsheet and I've put some designs together in word which include sliders, drop downs, radio buttons & popups. I also require Google Maps embedding with 'to' and 'from' fields to calculate distance. I don't mind what language is used for the calculators, as long as it is robust & can be embeded into wordpress. Please respond with; - Quote - Time frame - Relevant experience & example portfolio. Many thanks.

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Вакансия: #9895

2531 дней 10ч 12м



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