Num. of words: 4500 Industry: Business Topic: corporate tax Tone: Formal/Professional Extra notes: I'm looking for a writer for a 4-5,000 word report about changes in the way corporations handle their tax functions. This thought leadership report will be used for marketing purposes. This report will be based largely on the analysis of a global survey of tax experts + a smaller number of qualitative interviews. The job includes interviewing a number of tax experts working in corporations globally. Experience in tax writing is an advantage, but writing for a professional audience based on survey findings (or other data) is more important. The interviews are also an important part of this project, and interview experience is required. Deadline for the report is in the second half of September/early October. There might be an opportunity to write a second report, based on the same data.
Вакансия: #9685
2577 дней 17ч 38м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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