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Writer/Content Manager/Admin Assistant/Co-Blogger

The University of Spirituality is an online resource for information and guidance regarding Spirituality. Seeking a writer to assist me with a multitude of functions associated with a website/blog. The first task entails cutting down long-winded passages to pages more easily readable. The second task entails an assessment of site management, including SEO, appearance, layout, etc. The third task entails categorizing blogs and becoming a co-blogger (that is if you identify with the material). Familiarization with social media outlets, networking, and word press also a big plus. My intention is to increase the effectiveness of the site and the whole idea of spirituality as an educational resource and also create a like-minded network. Multiple candidates considered: experienced/inexperienced/students. While a multi-skilled, creative individual is sought, there is one quality that is first and foremost - an understanding of the basic fundamentals of spirituality. If you are not into the subject, those with an open-mind and willingness to explore the numerous precepts of spirituality, not to mention new frontiers, will certainly be considered. As such, it would be prudent to visit the site to review the genre of writings to see what you will be engaged in. Please do so before responding to the ad. The opportunity is initially part time, but has potential to evolve into a unique venture on a professional and personal level.

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Вакансия: #9622

2524 дней 14ч 28м



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00:00 - 08:00

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