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Backup support from remote for Italian Digital Agency

Topic: ecommerce Tone: Informal/Casual Outline & Structure: Hello! I’m Giulia, owner of Moskito Design ( if you want to take a look) we are searching for a spanish mother tongue support for translations from english to spanish, but mainly for copywriting B2B and B2C (for newsletters and web pages) for one of our most important customers, ecommerce leader. We would need to find a backup of our spanish copywriter for supporting us when she is on holiday and, for the future, we are interested to create a partnership in order to have an help when she is off or overburdened. ---------------------- What we need -> A support 10/15 hours per week from from 14th to 21th of July and from 7th to 18th of August Availability via Skype during the working time (from 9 to 1 pm and from 2:30pm to 6pm) from Monday to Friday in case of emergency ---------------------- What we are searching for A copywriter, not just a translator Mother tongue spanish Fluent in english Flexibility and respect of deadlines Familiarity with web and ecommerce world Used to work remotely via Skype, call and emails thanks a lot! Giulia Salvioni Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #9582

2524 дней 13ч 59м



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00:00 - 08:00

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