Num. of words: 5200 Topic: Husayn Ibn Ali and Karbala- Arbaeen procession within Iraq. Tone: Other Outline & Structure: The documentary follows pilgrims in Iraq during a holy procession, involving millions of participants. The narrative is in English, interview questions are primarily in English, with responses in Arabic, which has been translated into Arabic. As such a full English script is accessible, which has been worded into a table format sentence by sentence in a word document, making the process of translation easier. English is requested to be translated into the following languages: French, German, Spanish, Urdu, Turkish, Russian and Mandarin. Anybody able to translate into one or more languages will be welcomed. Extensive research needed: no Extra notes: Following completion of the translation, the translator will be required to attend a two hour viewing to ensure their translation structure remains accurate.
Вакансия: #9488
2565 дней 13ч 33м
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