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Graduate Guide To Starting a Business = 7 Articles / 500-1000 Words Each

Num. of words: 7000 Website url: Information for the blog/website: Storage provider. Industry: Business Num. of web pages: 7 Description of every page: We would like you to convert the ‘Becoming A Successful Start-Up: A Guide for Graduates’ PDF into multiple articles, which will then be published on Flexispace’s website in a similar way to the Business Continuity for SMEs pages, which you can find here = PDF pages that will need to be converted into articles include; - Flat Rate VAT - Subsidised Staff Costs - Graduate Placements - Building Your Website - Doing The Books - Social Media Marketing - Storage Tone: Instructional/Educational Outline & Structure: 1. Layout the article in a similar fashion as the Business Continuity for SMEs pages. 2. Be written in a similar tone to the Business Continuity for SMEs pages. 3. Give examples of local businesses in the Manchester area that may help the reader for what is discussed in each article. 4. Have logical subheadings and sections per article. 5. Convert simple one-line bullet points into a more detailed/in depth paragraph to give the reader more understanding of the subject matter. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #9425

2531 дней 10ч 42м



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