Num. of articles: 12 Words per article: 500 Information for the blog/website: HR Topic: HR Tone: Formal/Professional Outline & Structure: A UK writer is required to write 12 blog articles, the topics have been pre-determined. 6 of the articles have already been written but as they are low quality they will need to be either re-written or corrected. This is more of a rewriting tasks as there are lots of similar articles on the topics available on the web. We've had a few issues working with writers from abroad, so only UK based writers that can apply creativity/logic and get the gist of things. Altogether there are 12 articles each, the word count is approximately 500 words per each article. Please read this outline before applying and please also include your CV. I am flexible with the budget, as im not sure of what the going rate is per article or words. Extra notes:
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2577 дней 17ч 31м
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