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Freelance PR & Communications

We are looking for a Freelance PR & Communications Executive who will be responsible for driving communication activities that promote AdView on various media outlets. The key aim is to drive awareness of our services via thoughtful articles around the recruitment industry. Key tasks to be performed Produce well-written articles at a rate of one per week. Develop relationships with industry (tech, recruitment, HR etc) editors on behalf of our website. Deliver our articles to media outlets and contacts you have. Produce reports on successful campaigns which will be gauged on having back links to our website as the source of the article. Keep our in-house ‘media’ reporting system updated. Create content for social media channels. Research the latest trends in the recruitment industry and produce articles that are thought provoking yet accurate. What we’re looking for in a Senior Communications Executive: We are looking for someone with previous experience of working in a public relations or public affairs agency or someone with recruitment industry knowledge. Candidates should have a strong creative background and proven ability to write content. It is also essential you have a strong ‘black book’ of contacts that you can liaise with to push our content to the ‘Go live’ stage. You will need to have your own access to Gorkana (or similar PR database) to make this job a success. Unless you have a PR database at your disposal and can prove your work by showing us previous online successes please do not apply for this role. Lastly, The success or failure of this role will come down to your ability to get results, ie, live articles published with a link pointing to our website as the source. Please review the latest Blog post on our website so see the type of quality we expect. Good luck!

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Вакансия: #9156

2524 дней 11ч 45м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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