CLICK and READ the link below... any feedback, reviews via my site is much appreciated! RE: I need help in this department, even more so if i want my book to reach the hands of many... by Gods Grace. Amen Anyway in all honesty this isn't i don't think a hard job as I've done the hard part... finally writing my 1st Memoir Book which will be available to purchase in Aug... so during this time and when my book is out i need to get it out, seen, have people buzzing, interviews, newspapers, magazines etc (if possible) Yes, i am already doing this but if you (after reading my 'Press Kit') think you are the person that likes a challenge, be apart of my continued journey and possibly have useful contacts that maybe interested in reading my book etc. then i want to hear from you! Only require once a week, for 2-3hrs marketing, promoting my press-kit so much that people will be begging to stop promoting it anymore. Lol DO NOT BOTHER contacting me, if your just about the money and have no genuine passion... Only those serious, curious and genuine people who've read my 'Press Kit' will be considered, questions will be asked. May the Right & Best person Win but most of all Thank You all in advance for showing 'love' to my site.x Thanks Anikka P.S. Visiting Atlanta in August... any recommendations???
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