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We need a freelance marketer/PR person - 2 hours per week

Source Labels was established in 1991 and is an innovative, fast moving and dynamic self-adhesive label printer. Our clients range from multi-nationals through to the ‘long tail’ and artisan. Over the past year, Source Labels has developed two unique and patented products. The first will substantially reduce product cost, material wastage and transport costs, ultimately significantly improving the sustainability of the label industry. The second patented product uses micro optical lenses to provide a remarkable and overt 3D anti-counterfeit label. With such innovations, Source is looking for a marketer to educate, inform but ultimately increase sales of our new and current product ranges. We are looking for a freelance marketer who can bring a creative and energetic approach to an otherwise conservative sector . The person we are looking for will have digital experience, including SEO optimization, google adwords and digital add placements. They will need social experience across Linkedin, Pinterest and Facebook. Finally they will also need to be able to produce content to display on the above content and have some knowledge and desire to work with traditional trade PR.

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Вакансия: #9131

2531 дней 9ч 50м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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