We have built an informative surgical booklet for patients who want to become more informed on their medical procedure. The booklet is designed by the patient on our website, where he/she chooses the sections of the booklet relevant to him/her, & then mailed out patients before they go for their meeting with the consultant surgeon. The value proposition is that patient stress is reduced from the moment they begin their surgical journey because they are more informed & they feel more in control. Not only that, but surgeons can benefit from more surgically literate patients & reduce the time they need to meet with each patient. We need a telemarketer to target General Practitioners, Consultant Surgeons who conduct private & public clinics, patient support groups & other groups to understand if there is demand for this product.
Вакансия: #9087
2565 дней 14ч 30м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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