business type: Chip and Pin company Geographical areas: London and within 20 miles radius Target customers: SME Description of Business Development: The Business is a chip and pin company: I am searching for someone to cold call SME with the intention of setting up quality appointments. The database I work from is pretty much up to date, so someone who has experience in making calls and book appointments will find this job a very easy There is no selling, no need for extensive product knowledge, idea is to get me in through the door and have the prospect ready to listen with a recent stetement in hand. I previously had someone setting up between around 10 new appointments weekly and this took him on average 5-6 hrs. I paid him a day rate of £100 and a conversion bonus incentive. If you’ve had any experience in this sort of role, know your own conversion and believe you can preform this task, please get in touch. Extra notes: I need someone to start asap and able to commit to weekly work
Вакансия: #9086
2565 дней 13ч 36м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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