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Marketing Consulting and Support

I am Katharina, Life Coach and Energy Psychologist. Based in Barcelona/Spain and Bad/Wildbad, Germany. My challenge is to step up from working as a "normal" psychologist to becoming an online based, specialized and high level international coach. I have just designed and am carrying out for the first time a 8 week online course "Live Your True Potential". It aims at successful and spiritual people who want to step up and live their full potential, overcome inner blockages in order to experience more success, abundance, meaning and fulfillment in their lives. I am in the process of redefining my products (and prices). And I WANT TO SELL. Specifically, now, I want to sell my online course. I have set up a marketing funnel that I have never really explored via FACEBOOK ads, free webinar or ebook, emails and free 1-hour consultation with me. I might want to outsource the technical side of putting up adds etc. But I somehow don't feel good about putting money into this, as there are sooo many people using the same process in Facebook, and am not convinced it is the best way. What I need is marketing consulting, structuring and setting up the sales process, helping me to figure out what I want and need, and accompanying me in my steps. Would you be willing and able to do that? At what rate or in what way? my website is (but it represents more who I was than who I am) Thanks for your feedback! Katharina Seidler

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Вакансия: #8934

2524 дней 14ч 0м



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