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I need PR and marketing for a new start up in london

We are looking for an enthusiastic, proactive PR and marketing person to help us develop and launch a successful PR campaign for our new startup - London Idea. We are a new crowdfunding platform focussed on London and for projects and ideas that will make a difference. We want to get our name out, get public awareness of what we are doing and wanting to achieve, engage local papers and media ( London metro, evening standard etc) Someone who has experience in PR and marketing is essential. The website back end development is nearly finished then we are hoping to go live in the next few weeks. We are wanting someone who is capable of speaking to large and small organisations in order to get them to register on the site and to advertise what our company offers. If you are able to get a strategy together in the next few weeks before launch that would be advantageous, and help the launch be as successful as possible.  Being based in London is an advantage as we would like you to become part of the team based here even though you can work remotely it means you feel part of the team here and can meet up if need be.  Looking for a potential long term relationship if all goes well to help grow the business month on month. Get in touch! Becky

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Вакансия: #8859

2524 дней 11ч 51м



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00:00 - 08:00

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