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Dynamics CRM consultant required to assist with development of concept system

General information for the business: General Insurance Kind of consulting: IT Description of consulting work: We have an on-premises Dynamics CRM 2009 system (soon to be upgraded to 2016), but are in the process of re-thinking our design approach in order to fit better with our business processes, and to improve both the user experience and business benefits. As a result, we have designed and developed a simple prototype system, and are now looking for a CRM consultant to help guide us in the right direction to make this concept become a reality. Initially, we are only looking for a couple of days, which will be spent discussion and critiquing our concept, and advising how best to achieve our aims. Whilst we have very skilled infrastructure, support, and development teams, we currently lack in house CRM development skills. We want our CRM system to be owned and developed as much as possible by 'super users' rather than developers, so simplicity and efficiency is the key at the moment. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8688

2524 дней 13ч 45м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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