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Legal professionals who have worked within Prison Law, Prison / Probation Service

General information for the business: Prison Law Firm Industry: Legal Description of legal work: We need someone with previous experience within the following areas; Prison Service, Probation Service, Prison Law experience or have a good understanding of these areas to fulfil the position which we have available. Extra notes: We have a client who has a Prison Law firm and they are in the process of expanding, they require professionals who have previous expertise within the above mentions areas of work.  They will be required to visit clients, take notes, ask questions and prepare reports for all aspects of the prison law industry. The also have a job opening in other areas of the firm so if you feel you have a skill they could possible utilise then please submit your CV. The hourly rate is negotiable depending on which services you can provide plus how much experience you have within this industry.  This will be an ongoing work opportunity in various location due to their wide range of clients located all across the UK.

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Вакансия: #8478

2524 дней 14ч 26м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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