General information for the business: We are an Auto Transportation Broker Industry: Business Target customers: For this campaign - our subcontractor, supply network Description of Business Development: We are an auto transport brokerage company that specializes in the coordination of automobile transports in the US – nationwide. Our goal is to effectively and profitably contract with auto transport carrier companies to move vehicles all over the country. Our clients are, primarily, corporate relocation companies, who schedule corporate moves of employees between locations. We contract with these corporate relocation companies to handle the vehicle portion of their relocation needs. We are looking to (more effectively) manage our carrier supply network. To do this we would like to begin with a Daily email newsletter campaign. The contents and descriptions of the newsletter are described in the attached. Extra notes:
Вакансия: #8410
2565 дней 12ч 26м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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