General information for the business: Qualified Leads Generation Industry: Business Geographical areas: United States & Europe Target customers: Digital Marketing Agencies & Medium-sized FMCG companies Description of Business Development: DigiTrade China is a small digital and company/trademark administration agency based in Beijing and the USA. We are looking for help to first generate a list of qualified leads and referral partners. The first project is to acquire a strong list of leads and partners with contact information confirmed and ideally an existing interest in our services. After acquiring the list, we will then follow-up with a second project for initial contact on our behalf. We are open to any ideas you have on how to grow our business as well. Extra notes: Open to new ideas on how to do this more efficiently as well, so upsetting is OK if it's valuable.
Вакансия: #8404
2577 дней 17ч 32м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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