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Eventmanagement obstacle run Barcelona

General information for the business: We organise obstacle runs Industry: Sports and Fitness Description of support work: Dear mister,madame, We are the Beach Warriors Obstacle Run from Holland and we are looking to organise an obstacle run at the beach at Barcelona or Castell Defells next April or Mai 2018. Expected participants are 5000-8000. This is a big sport event with large media coverage. We are looking for a talented eventmanager who will guide us through the permits, connecting us with bootcampclubs, Gym's, sponsors but also has a network of eventsuppliers in Barcelona. But also eventmanagemen of the whole event. Are you interested in this job? You have to be fluently in English/Spanish/Catalan or even better Dutch/Spanish/Catalan. It will be at least a job for 2 or 3 months fulltime. Extra notes: Dear mister,madame, We are the Beach Warriors Obstacle Run from Holland and we are looking to organise an obstacle run at the beach at Barcelona or Castell Defells next April or Mai 2018. Expected participants are 5000-8000. This is a big sport event with large media coverage. We are looking for a talented eventmanager who will guide us through the permits, connecting us with bootcampclubs, Gym's, sponsors but also has a network of eventsuppliers in Barcelona. But also eventmanagemen of the whole event. Are you interested in this job? You have to be fluently in English/Spanish/Catalan or even better Dutch/Spanish/Catalan. It will be at least a job for 2 or 3 months fulltime. Kind regards, Marijn Hol

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Вакансия: #8336

2531 дней 10ч 12м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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