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I need a native female english voiceover

Gender: Female Language/Accent: English(US) Extra notes: This is the Hungarian version and we need similar with the english text: The format: mp3 (mpeg audio layer 1/2 mpga) mono 16khz 128 kbit/sec The text: Track name: English 60s visszaszaml "Infinite Energy Crystal Protective system unlocked! Warning: The planet's atmosphere passage is activated. There is 60 seconds to initiate a flight/the line/the route. The flight/line/route can be initiated by connecting the energy tubes to the Infinite Energy Crystal Protective System. The countdown starts: 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 ..." (countdown to 0) Track name: English Sikertelen "Time is up! Return denied! Your return is denied! From now the planet can only be left without the Infinite Energy Crystal!" Track name: English Lézerpálya indító (lézer ajtót nyitják) "Infinite energy crystal protective system is active! To deactivate it, you need to press the two deactivating buttons simultaneously after passing through the laser grid." Track name: English Lézerpálya sikertelen - Mit kell nyomni "Entering the protective atmosphere has failed. To reactivate the Protective Grid of the protective atmosphere, pressing the red activation buttons on the planet simultaneously is required." Track name: English Lézerpálya sikeres "Access to the protective atmosphere is successful!" Track name: English Rezonator inditohang "Congratulation! You managed to start the Chladni resonator. You have to be aware that in the universe everything is vibrating, and everything is evolving from sound vibration. This device is able to show you the fundamental functioning of the Universe by transforming the different sounds into forms." Try and see a miracle!" Track name: English szkafander2 "Astronauts! Don’t forget about your space suit bags, which is an important tool for successfully completing your mission!" Track name: English robot uj6 "Astronauts! Don’t allow yourself to divert your attention away from the mission." Track name: English Robot uj7 "During your training you have been prepared for how fragile and special the surface of the planet is! You must return to Earth immediately if it is damaged." Track name: English 45p hatra "Warning! There is only 45 minutes left on this planet!" Track name: English 30p hatra "Warning! There is only 30 minutes left on this planet!" Track name: English 15p hatra "Warning! There is only 15 minutes left on this planet!" Track name: English 5p hatra Warning! There is only 5 minutes left on this planet! Track name: English kozosjatek_komm "Astronauts! In your quest, you may need to contact other mission teams on the planet! To do this, you need the communication device you have available. You can operate it by tuning it to the 7th channel and talk while you hold the button on the side!"

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Вакансия: #8169

2524 дней 14ч 5м



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