Hi All, I'm in need of two experienced creative wedding videographers with a good track record of wedding videgraphy behind them. The wedding will be in London 9th September 2017, so must be able to commute and have there own vechicle. The candidates should have there own kit (please list when applying), a link to some wedding videos they have shot previously. Nigerian wedding (would be a plus) The Videographer will be needed for 10 hours @ £250 each A 15-20 min video of the entire wedding day is needed. So one videography should be able to edit ideally and would be paid an additional £400 for the edit work. Please see below for the sort of work that we're looking for: For Clairty, i need two camera man for 10 hours and they will be paid £25hr each. I will also need 15-20 min highlight video edited, which will be paid at flat rate of £400, but may also post a separate hourly for the editing.
Вакансия: #8116
2577 дней 17ч 31м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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