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I need a advertisement animated video with voice over

I need a advertisement animated video with voice over creating TODAY as soon as possible for a fundraising campaign that I have created. It should be a maximum of 30 seconds to 1 minute in length and will be explaining the following: Theme: rainforest style pet shop. Colours : tropical, with an emphasis on shades of green. Characters (animated) - dogs, parrots, cats etc, with two members of staff in the rainforest pet shop. explaining the following: Want to join a community challenge in Middleton? Get on board with EXOTIC MIDDLETON Its your chance to be part of an amazing new retail adventure Middleton has never seen before! Join us on our Rainforest Pet-shop adventure and experience the magic that we can create... Together! Lets create a retail environment that will blow your mind including Exotic Birds, Dogs, Cats & small furries that we all know and love, and not forgetting all those supplies you will need to care for your forever friend! 20% of all after tax profits will be donated to a local Middleton Charity every year, decided by YOU, Middleton Residents! Join us TODAY and donate via GoFUNDME! - Its never been safer to donate to a good cause! All your donations are secure and guaranteed by GoFUNDME right until the target of £16,000 is met! - Plus, the funds are monitored by GoFUNDME to ensure they are being spent on the right project! GO ON! - Give it a shot and help us create what can be Middleton's most Exotic experience ever! We really need this animated video with voice over (reading the above) creating asap, TODAY. Thanks.

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Вакансия: #8074

2531 дней 9ч 36м



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