We have two 60 second videos that promote features in a new car release. An existing video has been produced by the parent company overseas in the US. As the videos will be promoted in Australia, there are certain scenes we have had to flip the angles of the vision, which has been relatively straight forward. However, the logo/branding of the parent company features in various scenes such as front grill, steering wheel etc. We need to superimpose and composite the Australian company logo over the top of these US logos. Each scene runs around 2-5 seconds and has been filmed in a handheld type motion, with some focus pulls throughout. We have tried to superimpose using After Effects with existing materials, but the lighting of the images and placing of the new logo gives a floating impression, making it obvious it is not part of the scene. We require someone to fix these scenes and add the new logo to look seamless. And here is the link to the current edit status where you can see the floating logos- you will be provided with the original files: password: vc2017 We have a number of extra images and stills from previous film shoots that may help in finding the right angle and lighting. We can also provide you with all existing working files and project files from Premiere and After Effects. Turnaround is quite tight so we would be looking at starting on this ASAP. Please send through portfolio samples of similar projects and also a quick overview of how you would go about about solving this issue and delivering final product.
Вакансия: #8026
2677 дней 6ч 18м
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