I need to have a nice animation of the title of my upcoming book "Run, Little Benjamin, Run!" to use in social media for promotion purposes. I will need to be able to add it to some short promotional clips too. It needs to be short, and showing the text coming up in a nice, powerful way, together with the music, perhaps using the music from time 0:55 from the promo video I have, which can be seen here: The animation needs to show the book title coming up in a compelling, powerful way, followed by a text reading "Available now in Amazon" If it isn't too complicated and expensive, as I don't have a generous budget for this sadly, just before the title hits the screen we could have some sort of blood splash/drops coming up on the screen, as this is critical in the book. ie, Benjamin escapes from this blood coming his way. But if this makes things too complicated I could just settle for the nice text animation. Thank you for your interest and help. Evany
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