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Photographer needed for objects in London Science Museum

I'm currently in the US otherwise I would do this myself. For a non-commercial project (though obviously this is a paid job) I need someone to go to the Science Museum and photograph some objects for me. One, James Watt's Mircometer, should be straight forward and 10 or so good shots should be enough. The second is trickier. There is a bust of Watt which was 3d printed from a laser scan they made from a mould they found in his workshop. I'm interested in making a copy for myself through the magic of photogrammetry - a process of using a few hundred photographs to digitally recreate a 3d representation of an object. All I need from you are the photos taken in a very specific way, I'll do the digital magic. Third is just some general and detail shots of Watt's workshop. Your job is to take these pictures and put them somewhere I can get them. You should use a polarizing filter to cut down on the glare on the glass and shot at at least 20MP. Please send me your rate for the job and time frame in which it can be completed. Thank you! I believe this will take 1-2 hours

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Вакансия: #7718

2531 дней 9ч 26м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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