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I need a web developer for prestashop (SEO of prestashop)

General information for the website: biotech products Description of every page/module: Hello everyone, We have created an e-commerce site on Prestashop, which currently contains about 60,000 products (total target of 100 000 to 250 000 products), each with its PDF file datasheet. It has been online for 7 months, only 26,000 pages (including PDF) are indexed on Google and indexing progresses very slowly. For this project, We need a web developer in Prestashop, because there will be a lot of things to do on prestashop. the dev MUST be an prestashop specialist. The SEO for prestashop is very particular. We are looking for a professional SEO aware about e-business stakes and can help us to index all our products on Google and make them rank in the first page on Google. We would like to have the results quickly, so we hope you will fully dedicate yourself to help us achieve this goal before your deadline for this mission. We are not only looking for advices, but a person who is able to apply his recommendations in a technical manner. We do not have in-house resources to devote to this SEO optimization apart for potential content creation if necessary. Required knowledge: SEO / prestashop / php / mysql / cache optimization / apache / debian / webmaster tools We are working with someone who optimize our server (but not prestashop), so you don't need to add this point to your quote. The project is scheduled to start in 2 weeks (Planned start date: 13th July) once server optimization is done. The site in question: Thinking this project is well relevant to Google and many external factors, we will set several milestones to control the indexing process: - 1st step: 20% of the whole project budget will be released when the SEO solution is fixed and the first 10,000 products are well indexed by Google with this solution. - 2nd step: 40% of the whole project budget will be released when the next 120,000 products are indexed. - 3rd step: 40% of the whole project budget will be released when the final 120,000 products are indexed. Please feel free to tell us separately your expected finish time for each milestone, and your whole proposal. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Description of requirements/features: Contact form: xx euros/ finish the whole project in xx days, including xx days for the first step, xx days for 2nd step and xx days for the 3rd step Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7628

2531 дней 10ч 47м



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