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Back-End development

General information for the website: Tablet Restaurant Menu Ordering System Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 14 Description of every page/module: Tablet Restaurant Menu Ordering System Project searches a developer, who is able to perform tasks at a qualitative level. The project is planned to be launched and actively used, therefore, a responsible approach is needed first. It is very important to be able to perform the assigned tasks clearly in due time and at the same time in the maximum convenience to the end user. The exact approach to fulfilling the requirements is welcome; the testing process will be detailed. Description of requirements/features: Required Skills: PHP, SQL, MVC, JSON data transfer, API integration, HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Responsive design, Angular.js or Node.js, firebug or chrome dev tools CMS and Admin requirements: Expected work experience: - Full stack developer - Min 3 years of programming of high navigated backend projects, Using back-end frameworks to build server-side software, API integration experience for 10-15 programming modules in one project, Backup and restore technologies for website’s files and DB, Security settings, and hack prevents, REST understanding and using - Understanding of front-end web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (to communicate with team members on the front end) - Ability to manage a hosting environment - Experience with version control, such as Git, Bitbucket Extra services needed: Hosting, Installation, 3rd party integration Extra notes: The current work is published for the first part of the tasks.

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Вакансия: #7363

2531 дней 10ч 15м



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