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Map/Location based application that gets users location. PHP or Javascript

General information for the website: I need to ability to show users location on a map overlay for a site, and provide directions to another point on the same site. Num. of web pages/modules: 3 Description of requirements/features: This is an example only Page 1 gets users location and shows it on the map, or user can drop a pin on the map to show there currant location if not accurate. a) drop pin for location or b) automatically get location this information is then stored into a database when the user hits save location. Page 2 Show all saved locations from the database when a user clicks on a location they can navigate to it via a) drop pin for location or b) automatically get there currant location Optional Extra Geo-fence the first location and update database to reflect that user b has entered users a location Custom Map - I will provide image file MUST be mainly in PHP (PDO database queries only) NO FANCY DESIGN JUST THE BEAR BONES (any styling must be bootstrap compatible) This is an early project and may lead to much more involvement and work. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7360

2531 дней 10ч 42м



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