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I need a professional website design theme for an eCommerce website

General information for the website: We sell ssl security products. Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of requirements/features: We need a website/design for selling SSL certificates. We want on the main page a banner some text and 4 brands of the certificates we sell. And if the customer clicks on one of the certificate brands a page should appear with all the certificates of that specific brand and there it should show the prices and what type of certificate it is. And if the customer clicks on a certificate there should be info about that certificate. And from there the user can buy the certificate. We also would like to have a chat option on the website and a blog and SSL tools, the SSL tools is just a plugin that communicates with another webpage. We also would like to have the website suitable for mobile, iPad, wide screens etc. • Website design (simple but nice) (customer friendly, easy to use. • Sell certificates(44 products) When a user buys a certificates we send an invite to the customer from our reseller) • SSL tools (external tools used in php coding , already made) open within the page and not a new window. • Blog • Banner with weekly discounts (optional) • Mobile compatible • Stylish forms • Individual products would have an option to select for 1, 2, 3 years with different prices. We would like to use this on the platform. • WordPress • Woo commerce • Similar design to (colours and lighting) Payment methods: Credit Card, Paypal Specific technologies required: WordPress, woo commerce Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7324

2531 дней 10ч 12м



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