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Core PHP/.Net Ecommerce Portal With Payment Gateway, Third Party API integration

Hi I need a very expert developer to develop my ecommerce portal, it must be core php based or .net based portal, 1.Developer Must Be very Experienced, Cooperative, Already Developed Core PHP based or .Net Based Big Ecommerce Websites,. 2. Can Show his/ her already developed core php or .net based ecommerce websites with backend/admin section to check. 3. Developer please donot over claim, if you can complete the project only then bid and take this project, otherwise please save your time. 4. Please read my doc file , only then bid as per my requirements and if agree with my terms and conditions. 5. only serious developer bid, I donot need of any fresher or time waster. What I need – 1. Core Ecommerce Portal. 2. Third Party API integration. 3. Payment Gateway Integration. 4. My Business automation to sell my services. NOTE Please - Please Please , Only Technical Staff or coder/Freelancer himself contact me regarding this project If he or she is interested in this project, Please I dont want to be contacted by any Sales or Marketing Staff. and Only contact me after understanding and reading my doc file

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Вакансия: #7317

2524 дней 13ч 47м



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00:00 - 08:00

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