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WooCommerce for Switzerland

Hi there we are working for several months already with a developer/team on our WooCommerce Site. We have an awkward setup, many (non-professional Freelance) Developer were working on it. What we want to have is a complete setup in English, with automated translation into German. All the communications (eMails, pdfs towards the client must be in German). No design required (the old design/structure) is good enough) and almost know functionality is required as the site is almost done (85-90%). The setup is required to have a clean/fast platform that can serve as a template also for future/similar sites (same site for Germany and the UK, for other products in CH/DE/UK). We have 4 Core Products (Honey Jars), 2 Bundles, 2 non-core products and 4 Vouchers. Main/Core issues: Language: setup in English, all communication/mails/pdf in German VAT Calculation: Some products are VATable, some not Rounding/Payment: up/down to 0.05; Paypal/Stripe/Cash Multi-Storage: Main, Hand and Consignation Stock - with some inter-stock movements Multi-Channel: Wholesale, Retail, Consumer with different pricing/discounts Loading time: 2-3 sec and gtmetrix reports (A/B) Invoice/Pro-forma/Packing List: Corporate Design, Swiss law and all in German (we do all the translation) Shipping: CHF 9 for each 3kg; Customer Tracking if possible We are looking for someone who can work 'full-time', every day and have a will to complete the project as soon as possible. If done well, we have some other projects (see above) where we can start right away. Can you please let me know if you are available and interested - and if yes, what would be a rough cost and time estimate? And some of your reference projects similar to our setup would be helpful. Regards Rene

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Вакансия: #7265

2524 дней 14ч 19м



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