General information for the website: we sell hair care products, we are a start up and only have four products at the moment Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of every page/module: i am Looking for someone who can take over the development of my e-commerce website, unfortunately, my current developer is no longer able to continue the project I need someone who can work with an existing theme and modify the layout, colours, logos and images to fit my brand. it will require some CSS and HTML coding. I need someone who is able to work on OpenCart e-commerce platform. The site will need the following catagories and sub pages Home Shop -Shampoo -Conditioner -Comb1 -Comb 2 - Hair rinse Ingredients page - Ingredients list - ingredients Policy Learn - workshops - Videos Blog About us ( i need to be able to upload a video on this page) at the bottom of the website I need -privacy policy -terms and conditions -shipping and handling Description of requirements/features: I need customers to be ale to create their accounts to place and track orders I need tp be able to update information and access admin of the site I need to be able to utilise and manage discount codes and vouchers i ned to site to link to my social media accounts using the icons Payment methods: Credit Card, Paypal, Other Extra notes:
Вакансия: #7221
2565 дней 12ч 14м
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00:00 - 08:00
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