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Looking for PhP Developers

General information for the website: Bespoke CMS using PhP Laralvel Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 24 Description of every page/module: HI I am looking for some Developers, I am looking to create a bespoke cms platform from scratch, using the Laralvel framework. I need developers who can not just code but also come up some architecture solutions to how the site should work behind the scenes as well as help bring the idea to life. Looking for Developers based within The North West of the UK , so that we can meet up and code together to develop. The Idea is to create an MVP, for 2017 launch, with a handful of beta testers. Wire frames, and prototypes all done, and a tech spec. Description of requirements/features: Need Front end Developers & back end developers. Extra services needed: Customization, Security, Other Extra notes: Please note only looking for like minded php developers who will want to work together with me to bring the idea to life. Looking for a Team of up to 5.

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Вакансия: #7176

2524 дней 14ч 14м



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