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I need to improve my existing website

I have a website up on however, I need to make some changes to the site that I cannot do myself due to the restrictions set by and my current plan. I need you to copy the layout of my website and make some changes for me. I made a copy myself at and made some changes such as adding social media icons in the menu bar. This should act as a guide to what I need doing. I also need the capability to integrate mail chimp to the site and I need a subscription bar at the top of the website. I also need to fix the header images. They currently go up automatically and I cannot adjust their positions. The site also needs the ability to be able to go down for maintenance and display a splash page/ landing page. I also need a donate button that links to PayPal. Please, could we start with this any further changes we can discuss at a later date. Regards, TJ Cole

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Вакансия: #7136

2532 дней 0ч 16м



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00:00 - 08:00

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