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Create a shopify Store for Apparel in 150 products

General information for the website: Fashion Dresses with Sizes and colors and manage inventory Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 150 products with sizes and colors Description of every page/module: Must have experience and should be able to give reference of shopify site, preferably apparel Please follow Rent the Runway with same features and pages, including coupons ext. 1. feature reference 2. feature reference 1. Upload all type of Images both Big and small for the site. 2. Upload products with attributes. 3. Automate the feed with Amazon and integrate to have all the products listed there. (should be live) 4. Integrate the feed with integrate to have all the products listed there. (should be live) 5. Integrate the feed with Ebay and list the products there. Description of requirements/features: You can see the products in and Extra services needed: Domain, Installation, Customization, 3rd party integration, Optimization Similar urls: 1. feature reference 2. feature reference Extra notes: The current sites are working fine, but do not automate automatically with amazon and google shopping and ebay want to automate the task.

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Вакансия: #7129

2524 дней 11ч 53м



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