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Please I urgently need some one to help me edit a file in prestashop,I

General information for the website: It is a prestashop website that needs to be amended Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of every page/module: Please I urgently need someone to help me edit a file in prestashop,I have posted this message before but the developers that sent their proposals are not that serious so please I need a serious persons and someone who is not money conscious.The person must know prestashop very well and also smarty template engine.the person must respond to this message in at most twenty minutes time,please don't bother to apply for this job if you delay more than twenty minute from now,because this is an urgent job. Description of requirements/features: Please I urgently need someone to help me edit a file in prestashop,I have posted this message before but the developers that sent their proposals are not that serious so please I need a serious persons and someone who is not money conscious.The person must know prestashop very well and also smarty template engine.the person must respond to this message in at most twenty minutes time,please don't bother to apply for this job if you delay more than twenty minute from now,because this is an urgent job. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7127

2524 дней 13ч 41м



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