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Print a background image using rasterize.js

General information for the website: Automatic document generation Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: Project Description PhantomJS task: print a background image using rasterize.js Description of requirements/features: 1. Use a private GIT repository (for example on BitBucket) 2. Create a fork of project html2PDF (see references) 3. Edit rasterize.js inserting the code to insert the attachment image as full A4 background for all pages 4. Test: Generate a PDF to check the functionality using the provided test file “1_source_to_print.html” and the background “2_background-test.jpg”. We expect to see the background image in every page and the text in overlay over the background 5. parametrize the service to manage two POST param (the actual code work only in GET): Post parameter: HTML to renderize (instead of the URL) Post parameter: background image in URL or base64 (you can chose the way) Release milestone: 1. Make the test described at Requirements point 4 2. Make the Requirement of point 5 References: * Repository: * rasterize.js path: Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7087

2531 дней 10ч 46м



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