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Website NEEDED !!!!

General information for the website: Digital Record Label Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 5 Description of every page/module: The homepage will advertise are logo, Artists will contain of all the artist we have signed, listen will contain of the signed artists music and where customers can buy individual songs or the whole album, the store will consist of the merchandise, albums and event (tickets) and contact will consist of social media links and submit demo. Description of requirements/features: Contact form MUST contain validation information and error message on incorrect information and Payment System must contain of correct card details and error message on wrong details. Extra services needed: Domain, Hosting, Installation, Customization, Optimization, Security, Other Specific technologies required: Payment System Extra notes: Website site MUST be eye catching, I have a attached the company logo to help you out with your design or creation

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Вакансия: #6996

2531 дней 10ч 42м



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