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Custom website

General information for the website: Event, food truck, fashion Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 5-10 Description of every page/module: - We do NOT want anything like a basic Wix website!! - Only send examples of your work that show you have animation/3d rendering skills of a high quality that relate to our website and easthetic ABOUT: We are an events company that owns mobile businesses such as a traveling Vintage store (Bus) and mobile food truck. We create and activate market places at festivals and organise other events such as parties and alternative weddings. I have created and attached jpeg images of what I would like. Animation: - flashing text and bricks that build a wall and then fall over to reveal the website - I would like the 3d rendered pipes that look industrial and realistic to move and grow around the page and enable smoke to be coming out of the pipes. I would like the website to be interactive, industrial, user friendly and easy to navigate. At the beginning of the site we would like it to ask for the viewers email address to add them to an automatic mailing list. we wont this built into the site and a program that saves the emails. Description of requirements/features: look forward to working with you :) Description of requirements/features: I have created an example website on photoshop to give you an idea of what I am after. Essentially I would like you to build it from scratch with a very similar aesthetic but with moving animations and smoke etc: Please find attached the pdf example Like the photo I have atttached - we would like the use to be able to scroll through the site but with the left tabs always on the page on the left which you can also click to take you to other pages. Extra services needed: Customization Extra notes: I have created an example website on photoshop to give you an idea of what I am after. Essentially I would like you to build it from scratch with a very similar aesthetic but with moving animations and smoke etc: Please find attached the pdf example Like the photo I have atttached - we would liek the use to be able to scroll through the site but with the left tabs always on the page on the left which you can also click to take you to other pages. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6992

2532 дней 0ч 33м



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