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I require a professional e-commerce website with ability to create collages

General information for the website: I sell personalised photo gifts Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 6 web pages & 8 collage pages Description of every page/module: Website Pages Home Page/Page 1: Warm pastel colours throughout site, Company Logo (provided) short description of company & products Page 2: Products Page 3-4 photos of each product with short description with a link to designing your own product (2 products with 3 different sizes) Page 3: Contact Page Page 4: FAQ Page Page 5: View Orders Page (where clients creations can be downloaded by myself to print in a large jpg file) Page 6: Reviews & Social Media page Collage Creation Pages Page 1: Open the collage maker & you're greeted with a page the you can choose photos from your phone gallery or upload from computer. You also can upload from your Social Media pages Page 2: Selected photos are moved displayed & you press confirm to continue to the next page Page 3: Photos are automatically allocated to a collage template dependant on what product is chosen (1 that fits 15, 20, 30 or 60) You can manually move each individual photo within the the template to ensure the best fit i.e crop, rotate, stretch etc... Page 4: You can change the template patterns to different ones by choosing a variety of patterns at the bottom of screen & see previews in each different pattern if you like Page 5: You can select a background colour from white, grey, baby blue, pink or turquoise & see a preview Page 6: You can add text by pressing a text button which has a font, colour & size of text facility. Also have the option of not having text & moving to the next page Page 7: Preview of collage created page Page 8: Order confirmation page with preview of collage, size confirmation too Description of requirements/features: The website must be extremely simple & basic to use & for use with desktops as well as handheld devices. The collage facility must be available to work on all platforms too Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6897

2532 дней 0ч 19м



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