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Umbraco developer wanted

General information for the website: dotnet website based on umbraco cms Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 10 Description of every page/module: to let users create short landing pages with text image youtube link website url etc [home screen mockup attached] Description of requirements/features: just a 3 page website on front end and 3-5 page on the backend it would be better if the project is developed as an umbraco module CMS and Admin requirements: user registration membership features unregistered guest registered member - free plan registered member - basic plan registered member - custom plan features will be assigned to each membership levels user dashboard analytics and tracking stats Extra services needed: Installation, Customization, 3rd party integration, Optimization Specific technologies required: umbraco Similar urls: Extra notes: developers with previous umbraco experience with enough demo to prove your skills is mandatory to be considered Payment will be like $10 - July [to create template] to trust your skills $25 - August [to create user registration/membership module with fb login] $50 - September [to create homepage input screen] $75 - October [user dashboard and launch] $100 - November [$100/month development support] $100 - December [$100/month development support] and it will continue Proof of your Skills: Note: I will not trust anyone no matter how much reputation you have I have to trust you on my own I will need you to show me your demo of skills on umbraco on azure a small 24hr task if you cant do it, you cant deliver my project. Budget: Total Budget is not more than $500 for this project [freelancers who has better prospects need not required to apply] I will work on phases and increase my payment on the developer who is ready to hand-hold me on a longer term Companies with the face of freelancer kindly do not apply I need a freelancer who has interest on my project Non-Mandatory Skills: If you have skills in Xamarin it would be more beneficial as i can extend the future phases of this project into an app

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Вакансия: #6771

2524 дней 14ч 13м



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