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Completion and refinement of a new responsive website

General information for the website: We are a UK based Estate Agent and Auctioneers of Fine Arts. Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: We have recently had a new responsive site professionally built but have hit a wall with our developers who have agreed for us to leave them and take the site elsewhere to be finished as we would like it. CMS and Admin requirements: The site is built using Statamic. Improvement of the property and auction search. Addition of some functions in the property search like grid view, latest listings. Further features for displaying the auction lots, make an offer buttons on unsold items. Improved contact us and property/valuation enquiry system. We believe we should also be a secure site. Extra services needed: Hosting, Customization, 3rd party integration, Security Specific technologies required: Statamic Extra notes: We need a talented UK based developer to fix the issues and refine it to the standard we require and were hoping for. is the site.

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Вакансия: #6765

2524 дней 9ч 55м



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00:00 - 08:00

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