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I need an expert on Square Space website design

General information for the website: Freelance Writer Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 2-4 Description of requirements/features: Hello I'm looking for someone who knows square space inside out. 1) If you are creative/graphics background that is a huge PLUS 2) If you are savvy with connecting/interacting with social media and the site even better 3) If you're into MailChimp/other platforms for sending staggered emails another plus I would like to develop a long-term relationship with you please The brief is small, to begin with: I've a website where my blog to the Facebook link doesn't work neither does the share to Facebook link from the blog. Please see any other input/feedback particularly on the social media side gratefully received. I'm also putting up a second website right now on square space and I'll need someone who can design two of the pages for me to present my writing clips and testimonials (I am a freelance writer and yes, I do pitch on here too!) I only plan to have 4-5 pages on this site anyway. Please give me your price for doing this first set of work and samples of square space work and a breakdown of your knowledge of Squarespace. I will need a quick turn around, please. I aim to have this sorted within a week of putting up w/c 9 July I am looking for someone to develop a long term relationship with me who can service and improve/give advice on these two sites. I would wish to have a professional relationship where we both respect our skills and work together. In the future, we would discuss my needs and you would quote for the job beforehand it would be agreed and the work turned around quickly and professionally as appropriate. I look forward to hearing from you, Most sincerely Ann Specific technologies required: Square Space, social media and Mailchimp or similar Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6762

2531 дней 9ч 41м



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