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Website design

General information for the website: Athlete and Celebrity Marketing Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: This website will be revolved around the company that I am starting. The company I am starting is a celebrity and athlete marketing agency that not only has their services available to the public such as autograph signings, sponsors, commercials, movies, public speaking opportunities, etc, but the company will also be focused on helping athletes and celebrities develop their own product as well so they can enter and succeed in the world of business. Description of requirements/features: So for example, a retired NFL player will have a profile on him going over briefly about his career and accomplishments and also have a brief description of his company. A perfect example would be someone I help represent their company in Dennis Rodman. Dennis Rodman has his own Vodka line. So he can have a profile and a description of his product as well. Not all athletes will have products at first but a description of them is mandatory. All clients can be on one page together or have their own pages that will show their bio once clicked upon. Extra notes: This website will be revolved around the company that I am starting. The company I am starting is a celebrity and athlete marketing agency that not only has their services available to the public such as autograph signings, sponsors, commercials, movies, public speaking opportunities, etc, but the company will also be focused on helping athletes and celebrities develop their own product as well so they can enter and succeed in the world of business. So for example, a retired NFL player will have a profile on him going over briefly about his career and accomplishments and also have a brief description of his company. A perfect example would be someone I help represent their company in Dennis Rodman. Dennis Rodman has his own Vodka line. So he can have a profile and a description of his product as well. Not all athletes will have products at first but a description of them is mandatory. All clients can be on one page together or have their own pages that will show their bio once clicked upon.

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Вакансия: #6757

2532 дней 0ч 51м



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