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Create a website designed for converting visitors

General information for the website: Single product focused website for the smart home industry Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 6 Description of requirements/features: The site is a B2C end user website selling the UK's first police approved, graded smart home security system. Traditionally, graded security products are sold to installers who then sell to end user. We want this product to be the first graded product from a security manufacturer that is marketed to the end users directly. With the end user then choosing to find a local installer. With this in mind, the site needs to be aesthetically beautiful and designed from an experience POV to showcase the product to end users and all the way through be created in a manner which leads the visitor on a journey with the sole purpose of qualifying them and them to give them call to actions based on their group... - not interested - interested but need more info - ready for a call/speak to someone - ready to find an installer - want to buy right now (they are just an example of how i imagine we would group them). The design and branding of the product with be done by others but view this as a very modern end user home friendly name/design/feel two small examples of a nice modern style IMO are... UX will be a big part of this site, ensuring you are mapping out why visitors are coming and ensuring we can move them to where they want to be quickly. here is a video we have already made which gives you an overview of the product. The video is not to give you the style of website or design at all. It was just something we made quickly to encapsulate what it is about... WHAT I NEED FROM YOU... 1. Must be UK based as our main POC. Prefer NOT to be working with any overseas companies. 2. Must have plenty of experience developing websites that convert. 3. Must be reliable and be able to provide a clear time scale for progress and stick to it. 4. Aesthetics of the site is going to be paramount as well. A converting website for sales lead for a book launch on personal development may very well convert, but they can look shockingly low budget. This site will need to have high aesthetics as well as UX for conversion. The most important thing I need to see in order for us to speak further is going to be examples of sites you have done. Please provide AT LEAST 4 sites which you feel meet the values of converting as well as aesthetics. Please begin your proposal with you full name, where you are from, the number of years you have worked in websites and your personal expertise and your team (for example if you specialise in UX but you have a team of web developers then please say so). If you do not provide this basic info right from the beginning then your proposal will be deleted without being read as following basic instructions is a good start to finding someone with a high enough attention to detail on PPH. Thanks very much, Kind regards Daniel Extra notes:

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