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Implement new brand onto existing wordpress website & create social media backgrounds

General information for the website: Architectural Design, Planning and Project Management Business Kind of development: Customization of existing website and create consistent social media background designs Description of requirements/features: My current website is and the lucid press theme has been adopted and amended. Extra notes: I have had a new brand created by a design agency and rather than investing in a completely new website at this time, which is proving costly to achieve my desired layout/design, I would like somebody to implement the new brand onto my existing wordpress site. I created this myself, so I am fully capable of wordpress use and editing, just simply don't have the time. The pages, content can remain as is, unless any obvious improvements are put forward by yourself as part of the process. I have attached some design material to show the new brand style/colours. You might be required to create some minimal design aspects in photoshop, perhaps editing of existing images on the site in order to enable the transition from old to new brand. I would also like new social media background designs, consistent with website/brand design, to use as background/header images on Facebook and Twitter.

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Вакансия: #6543

2524 дней 11ч 49м



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