General information for the website: we want to build tomorrow's ultimate sharing epicurean experiences website Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of every page/module: The website should allow user to share and post review of the highlighted product. The website needs to be self feeding by users reviews, which then need to fall into their correct subcategory Description of requirements/features: building profile for users and re organise all existing data ( 2000 reviews are already in the website). The website needs to be more user friendly and needs to be reorganised. The navigation flow needs to be rethought and users should easily be able to share their reviews and get the information they are looking for on our website. Extra services needed: Customization, Other Extra notes: I want to build a relationship with a freelancer to slowly redesign this existing website that already has a very high seo. I want to work closely with someone understanding my vision who can help us build a leader in our niche field.
Вакансия: #6541
2565 дней 13ч 30м
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00:00 - 08:00
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