General information for the website: Lead Generation Website Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 1 - Contact Form 7 Description of requirements/features: I'm looking for proposals for taking the values out of a cookie used on and capturing these into Contact Form 7 already set up on the site. The cookie is currently working and live on the site (here's the location: This is the GitHub page for it with a few notes: I have CF7 set up okay and it's currently capturing the UTM values but not the following values stored in the cookie: IREFERRER - URL of the initial referrer LREFERRER - URL of the last referrer ILANDPAGE - Initial landing page VISITS - Number of visits I've attached a screenshot of the current set up in contact Form 7 to give you an idea of what it looks like at the moment. Many thanks Stuart Extra services needed: Customization Specific technologies required: Wordpress, Contact Form 7 Extra notes:
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